The Federico System for Card Memorization
Posted by: "fredsoldati" fredsoldati
Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:46 pm (PST)
The Federico System
Hi everybody.
I've developed a new system for cards memorization and I would like
to share it with you and know your personal opinion.
My mother language is Italian; therefore my English is very bad.
Sorry for that.
I've christened this technique "Federico System" (I've never heard of
a system like this, so I suppose that it is an invention of mine. If
not let me know it).
It is a big extension of the principle of Andi Bell's System: person
+ action + object.
With this technique I'm able to memorize 4 cards in each location
with a complex image. For a deck of 52 cards I need just 13
locations. This system is quite complicate but it should be very
useful especially for long event like the memorization of several
packs of cards. You need to use 169 people (69 more than the Dominic
System, each with their action and object) and an extra of 87
objects. I hope you are going to like it.
Best regards!
Federico Soldati
The Technique:
The main idea of this system is to have a person who codifies the
first two cards, an action which codifies the second two cards and an
object which codifies the suits.
At first you have to learn for each card a letter. For the moment the
suits of the cards are not important, just the values. You can see my
letters here below.
A = A
2 = B
3 = C
4 = D
5 = E
6 = F
7 = G
8 = H
9 = N
10 = O
Jack = J
Queen = S
King = R
The possible combinations with these letters (each time two letters
like in the Dominic System) are: 13 x 13 = 169
During the memorization we have to keep the person of the first two
cards and the action of the second two cards.
For the suits memorization we have to create an object.
That's the way I do it:
We have two suits for each couple of cards.
The possibilities are: 4 x 4 = 16
Each couple of suits is codified by a letter.
You can see my letters here below.
heart/heart = A
heart/diamond = B
heart/spade = C
heart/club = D
diamond/heart = E
diamond/diamond = F
diamond/spade = G
diamond/club = H
spade/heart = N
spade/diamond = O
spade/spade = J
spade/club = S
club/heart = R
club/diamond = T
club/spade = M
club/club = P
The order of the suits is always: heart; diamond; spade; club.
We have to create an object with the four suits all together.
To codify the four suits together I create codes of two letters.
That means that the possible codes of two letters are:
16 x 16= 256
I already have the object for 169 objects (those of the 169 people).
They are the permutations of these letters:
heart/heart = A
heart/diamond = B
heart/spade = C
heart/club = D
diamond/heart = E
diamond/diamond = F
diamond/spade = G
diamond/club = H
spade/heart = N
spade/diamond = O
spade/spade = J
spade/club = S
club/heart = R
You can see that the letters have the same order of the 13 cards.
But I have still 87 remaining object to create (256 minus169).
They are the permutations of the last three letters with the others
For each of these 87 objects I just invent a nice object whose name
begins with the letter of the suits. It creates some more work in the
preparation of the system, but with some practice it becomes natural.
If you want, for the permutations between the last three digits you
can use the Superior System adding the vowels.
This system seems difficult but I think that with some practice it
become as easy like the Superior or the Dominic System.
Now I present just an example:
The sequence to memorize is:
Ace of heart; 5 heart; Jack of diamond; 2 of clubs
At first I take the letters of the values of the first two cards: AE
AE (for me) codifies Albert Einstein
Second Step: The seconds' two cards give me the code JB.
JB give me James Bond. His action is to shoot.
Last step: the four suits give me the code AH.
AH codifies the object of Adolf Hitler, that is a big cannon.
So in my first location I see Albert Einstein who shoots with a big
The process of memorization seems to be long, but like always, with
some practice, it become very fast.
I hope that you've like my system and I wait your opinions, critics
or suggestions.
Best regards!
Federico Soldati